by Marie Sansom, Sydney Central
"About 250 people gathered at St Scholastica’s College, Glebe, last Tuesday to discuss the future of the Harold Park site, one of the largest in the Inner West.
Their responses will flow back to Sydney Council and the Central Sydney Planning Committee, which will decide the site’s future.
Harness Racing NSW plans to move to Menangle and the club has put Harold Park up for sale, expecting it to raise at least $150 million.
When locals were asked to come up with a grand plan for the site, certain themes were raised repeatedly including: maximising public open space; making the site accessible; keeping building heights and densities to an acceptable level; and rejuvenating the tram sheds. There was little enthusiasm for any retail, above what would serve those living there.
While there was broad support for housing, many people highlighted the need to consider traffic, parking and public transport links. The site is near a light rail station but there is a steep hill leading up to Glebe Point Rd.
There was also enthusiasm for any homes to be sustainable, and for the site to become a hub for creative industries and artists. Other suggestions included community gardens, a city farm and bird habitat.
There will be more consultation later this year."
Read the full article from Sydney Central here.